Thursday, November 24, 2016

P2P File Sharing

What is file sharing?
The ability to transfer files from one computer to another via the Internet

What is P2P file sharing?
P2P file sharing allows users to share media files such as books, music, videos etc. using software programs that searches for other connected computers on a P2P network to locate the desired content. 

What are some examples of P2P file sharing?
Some software applications that implement or practice P2P file sharing are Bitorrent, Fault tolerance, Tribler, DistriBute, Freecast, Tor.

In the article, Content producers should take advantage of P2P, not fear it, on, the author writes about content creators should use P2P software as a way to help promote their products. They write about how it can be a good marketing way for potentially reaching more customers and for helping spread their content. The only problem that the writers seem to worry about is a way for the creators to benefit from using the P2P software.

Monday, November 21, 2016

Wiki so far

So far in the class Wiki I have created a page on podcasts. Throughout the following days I will add some information on podcasts and the business of a podcast. Also I plan to put up some brief descriptions of certain podcasts that I listen too and episodes that I find to be entertaining and lead to deep thought and conversation.

Privacy and Confidentiality

             With the constant advancement of digital technology and an ever increasing number of social media applications, the issue of privacy and confidentiality is one that has come to the forefront of social issues facing the newer generations. The main issues that are brought up are the inclinations of people, especially younger people, to let people into their life using social media applications. For example, with Snapchat, people can share pictures instantaneously with their friends. With Instagram people publicly share their pictures of a meal, a funny moment,  or of their vacation. With Twitter people can share their thoughts with essentially the world. A lot of the older generations view this as a strange social norm. These older generations value their privacy and the fact that young people are more than willingly to give that up for something as trivial as social status is worrisome to them.
            When it comes to confidentiality, users of social media applications run the risk of having their information and other potentially private information leaking to the public. Throughout the last several years we have seen the personal information of users of dating sites being leaked out to the public and having the whole world see who is using those sites. This makes for an interesting case when the information of people who are having extramarital affairs is leaked to the public. Another worrying trend is social media apps asking a user for access into their phone files and pictures. Sometimes it makes me wonder why these apps require our information and what they use this information for.
           As social media becomes more a part of our lives, the issues of privacy and confidentiality will continue to be in spotlight as individuals and advocacy groups continue to fight for their rights and to stop the intrusion of government and corporations into out lives and from accessing our private information.


If Brooklyn College hired me to use New Media technologies in order to improve certain aspects of the school life for the students and the faculty, they're certain things that I can implement that I believe can achieve this.
Some of my ideas are using social media such as Twitter and Facebook to provide real time updates to students. Tweets can be useful when fire drills are planned in order for students to be prepared and not be caught off guard. Since most students don't check their e-mail hourly, even daily. I think these e-mails can be useful for students who might not be connected with formal electronic ways of communication but rather are very active on social media. Facebook and Reddit can be used to create groups and subreddits for the students to communicate and interact with one another and help foster a more friendly community.
Wikis, like the one used in our class, can and I feel like should be implemented for all classes as I see them as a tool for students to be able to exchange notes about lectures and can be used a giant study group for the class.
Finally, to add some fun I think it will be important for the school to help sponsor social media event through apps like Snapchat and Instagram. As long as the pictures and snaps are not harassing or threatening somebody I think i t can be a fine way for the Brooklyn College community to have fun.